Luckily for me, you don’t need to hold a plank for as long as you think to get results — one researcher suggests you only need to hold the move for 10 seconds to work your core. A plank is an isometric exercise, designed to strengthen during the stillness, as your body works against gravity to hold the pose.  Let’s start by talking about form. Your position during the plank is imperative for both the health of your spine and the results in your abs. In order to correctly get into the plank position, start in a press-up position, with your arms placed slightly wider than your shoulders, and your body weight resting on your hands flat against the floor, or your forearms, depending on which variation you opt for. Think about creating a straight line from your heels to the crown of your head, engaging your core. It’s also worth noting that what works for my body might not be right for yours, and it’s a good idea to consult your doctor or a personal trainer if you’re undertaking a new exercise routine. I consider myself to be relatively fit, and my normal fitness routine involves four runs a week, equaling around 20 miles in total, and three strength sessions, including weights and Pilates. 

I did a plank every morning for a week — here’s what happened 

The week prior to this challenge, I’d been doing 100 dead bugs most mornings (here’s how to do a dead bug with perfect form) so I’d somewhat gotten used to starting my day with some sort of ab-based torture. I started the challenge with a minute-long plank, which felt enough to give me that inner ab shake, without me compromising my form and arching my back.  On days two and three, I crept the plank up by 10 seconds each day as a personal challenge. As I suffer from sciatica, I did the exercise in front of a mirror to ensure I was keeping my hips in the right position — if your hips are too high, you’ll make the plank easier by taking some of the strain off the core, and if they are too low, you can put too much pressure on your lower back.  Planks are a pretty regular part of my training routine, but doing them everyday forced me to really think about my technique — sucking my stomach muscles into my spine, and engaging my glutes in the plank.  By day four, I realized as I was going to bed I hadn’t done my plank yet as I’d been in the office all day. With an eye roll, I did a 1-minute and 30-second plank in my PJ’s with my energetic Cocker Spaniel trying to crawl underneath my stomach for some extra core training. It’s a glamorous life I lead.  For days five and six, I decided to mix things up by adding some movement to the plank — I dropped the timer back down to a minute but added see-saw moves — rocking my bodyweight backward and forwards, and hip-dips, dropping one hip down to the ground then to the other side, to intensify the movement. These definitely forced me to work harder, and I’ll be adding them to my core workouts going forward.  And then finally, I was on day seven. For the final day of my challenge, I set the timer for 2 minutes and ignored my shaking core for the longest 120 seconds of my life.  The lessons learned after a week of planks? Of course, I didn’t get up off my yoga mat with a six pack, as we’ve mentioned before, defined abdominal muscles depend on a low body fat percentage. (Here’s how to calculate your body fat percentage.) But I did feel like my core felt pretty strong.  Similar to my dead bugs challenge, I also found the daily plank helped me engage my core better while running, during Pilates classes, or just walking the dog. While it might sound like something a fitness instructor shouts for fun, keeping your core engaged really does increase your performance, and helps you run, walk, and strength train with a better posture.  On a personal level, I found the dead bugs were kinder to my lower back than the planks, but I’ll be keeping them in my routine going forward. What’s the next ab challenge I hear you ask? Watch this space. 

I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 5I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 21I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 93I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 5I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 76I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 77I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 78

title: “I Added A Plank To My Morning Routine And Was Surprised With The Results” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-30” author: “Rose Smith”

Luckily for me, you don’t need to hold a plank for as long as you think to get results — one researcher suggests you only need to hold the move for 10 seconds to work your core. A plank is an isometric exercise, designed to strengthen during the stillness, as your body works against gravity to hold the pose.  Let’s start by talking about form. Your position during the plank is imperative for both the health of your spine and the results in your abs. In order to correctly get into the plank position, start in a press-up position, with your arms placed slightly wider than your shoulders, and your body weight resting on your hands flat against the floor, or your forearms, depending on which variation you opt for. Think about creating a straight line from your heels to the crown of your head, engaging your core. It’s also worth noting that what works for my body might not be right for yours, and it’s a good idea to consult your doctor or a personal trainer if you’re undertaking a new exercise routine. I consider myself to be relatively fit, and my normal fitness routine involves four runs a week, equaling around 20 miles in total, and three strength sessions, including weights and Pilates. 

I did a plank every morning for a week — here’s what happened 

The week prior to this challenge, I’d been doing 100 dead bugs most mornings (here’s how to do a dead bug with perfect form) so I’d somewhat gotten used to starting my day with some sort of ab-based torture. I started the challenge with a minute-long plank, which felt enough to give me that inner ab shake, without me compromising my form and arching my back.  On days two and three, I crept the plank up by 10 seconds each day as a personal challenge. As I suffer from sciatica, I did the exercise in front of a mirror to ensure I was keeping my hips in the right position — if your hips are too high, you’ll make the plank easier by taking some of the strain off the core, and if they are too low, you can put too much pressure on your lower back.  Planks are a pretty regular part of my training routine, but doing them everyday forced me to really think about my technique — sucking my stomach muscles into my spine, and engaging my glutes in the plank.  By day four, I realized as I was going to bed I hadn’t done my plank yet as I’d been in the office all day. With an eye roll, I did a 1-minute and 30-second plank in my PJ’s with my energetic Cocker Spaniel trying to crawl underneath my stomach for some extra core training. It’s a glamorous life I lead.  For days five and six, I decided to mix things up by adding some movement to the plank — I dropped the timer back down to a minute but added see-saw moves — rocking my bodyweight backward and forwards, and hip-dips, dropping one hip down to the ground then to the other side, to intensify the movement. These definitely forced me to work harder, and I’ll be adding them to my core workouts going forward.  And then finally, I was on day seven. For the final day of my challenge, I set the timer for 2 minutes and ignored my shaking core for the longest 120 seconds of my life.  The lessons learned after a week of planks? Of course, I didn’t get up off my yoga mat with a six pack, as we’ve mentioned before, defined abdominal muscles depend on a low body fat percentage. (Here’s how to calculate your body fat percentage.) But I did feel like my core felt pretty strong.  Similar to my dead bugs challenge, I also found the daily plank helped me engage my core better while running, during Pilates classes, or just walking the dog. While it might sound like something a fitness instructor shouts for fun, keeping your core engaged really does increase your performance, and helps you run, walk, and strength train with a better posture.  On a personal level, I found the dead bugs were kinder to my lower back than the planks, but I’ll be keeping them in my routine going forward. What’s the next ab challenge I hear you ask? Watch this space. 

I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 84I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 14I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 47I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 47I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 97I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 76I added a plank to my morning routine and was surprised with the results - 13